2012 m. rugpjūčio 30 d., ketvirtadienis

                            Daniel Negreanu himself threw an incredible poker challenge

                                                                                       Daniel Negreanu, he shall offer a $ 10 six-digit to make the poker capital. Poker Stars announced I have no doubt that he will be able to overcome this challenge and promised consistently telling his journey from micro limits to high poker league.
It is hard to imagine brighter personality among the poker community than Canadian, Team PokerStars Pro Daniel Negreanu team. Poker Ambassador hailed poker superstar can easily recognize any game at least a little interested in the person. Of course the reputation and popularity to be earned. And D.Negreanu know how to do it. $ 10 to convert 100,000 dollars reaching poker capital? If you ask a Canadian if it is possible, it definitely will reply: "Of course."Team PokerStars Pro member of the team known for their poker skills, but not only them. This poker professional has millions of followers following his video blog entries, tweets publications and other activities. In turn, the poker star see to it that his fans have nothing to talk about.Even in 2009, the highest in the world of poker playing in a professional league has decided to test himself and stated that he could a $ 10 contribution to the online poker room PokerStars convert 100,000 dollars to the budget. The star said that it can be achieved by playing cash games and poker strictly managing regulatory capital rules. Unfavorable circumstances so the U.S. government restrictions for online poker, the once D.Negreanu managed to walk away.But now a poker genius returns to this challenge. One poker enthusiast forum PokerStars Pro team announced rules to follow in order to achieve its goal. Following a $ 10 contribution he will play 0:01 to 0:02 American cents limit cash games gradually rising levels until reaching 100,000 dollars. The rise limits up poker professional promise only if their account will have no less than 500 for the minimum level required for large stakes. D.Negreanu doubt that the basis of these and a few other very strict rules can easily reach your destination.Not a single poker enthusiast, the question arose why a person who has sufficient capital to poker, įsipirkti to $ 1 million poker tournament and regularly participate in the highest limit poker battles take this, seemingly Sizifiško work.Replied the same ideas and challenge the author: "I have no doubt that this challenge will give me a lot of joy and pleasure, but as you know, it is these things to give poker. In addition, this approach to the game will help me to better understand the lower levels of poker players in the logic and master their style is, I think, really useful for me in the future. In addition, claims that not participate in other poker games or tournaments. Does not promise to give up high-stakes game up until you reach the 100,000 dollar range, just use another playing poker account - told D.Negreanu.Team PokerStars Pro member of the team received a lot of attention after being posted on this experiment. 15min.lt poker column, the team will also monitor the professional poker limits carpet stairs and describe the most interesting D.Negreanu jumps up or slip down.

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