PokerStars News
2013 m. sausio 3 d., ketvirtadienis
2012 m. rugsėjo 18 d., antradienis
Published ten candidates for the Poker Hall of Fame
Poker in the world can win lots of titles, but the ultimate recognition and place in the history books is guaranteed only place in Poker Hall of Fame. Yesterday the 36 influential people in the world of poker commission formed announced 10 candidates claiming to complement the gallery this year.
Poker Hall of Fame was established in 1979, and in 2004 it acquired the rights to the World Series of Poker (WSOP) organizers. Currently Poker Hall of Fame record 18-still live poker community and 42 s poker caliber of people who are no longer among us names. Traditionally, the gallery annually complement one or two new members. In recent years, the most recent gallery honors individuals named in the autumn ongoing World Series of Poker Main Event Final battle.On 12 September, the commission announced the final ten contenders this year's list, which names six new and four last year's election. Among the members of this gallery has 18 members and the same number of poker poker media and event organizers.Candidates were selected according to the following criteria:* Candidates must be regular participants in major poker events;* Candidates can not be younger than 40 years old;* They must be high rollers, and the highest limit poker masters or experts;* Candidates must be unconditionally respected contemporaries;* Any nominee must have passed the test of time. I.e. his experience in the poker industry has to be long-term;* For those candidates who are not poker players, an additional rule applies - do their work must have greatly influenced the development and popularization of poker.With this year's nominees and we would like to briefly introduce you:Chris Bjorinas: From Sweden comes 64-s poker pro, recently living in London, occupying high positions in several all-time rankings.Among them - and most of the times the WSOP Main Event players reached the podium in the list. It is also the highest earning player of the poker status between Swedish representatives. It is the fourteenth earnings by the European poker players and first among players in revenues in the WSOP Europe tournament taking place at the time.
David Chiu: From China comes D.Chiu living in the U.S. since the age of eighteen years. Restorer by education his career in the world of poker started as a dealer and only much later, it became one of the most successful players of all time. 52-year-old D.Chiu your account has a total of four WSOP gold bracelets won by playing Omaha, Stud and Hold'em poker. Also, it is as much as 54-iuse WSOP reached prizes. During the fifteen years of the poker player's career D.Chiu earned more than $ 7.5 million dollars. Victory is achieved not only the WSOP, but poker and other major events - such as the World Poker Tour (WPT).
Eric Drache: This nominee by far the most changed their status and position amongst the poker community. Poker fans know him as a player and as a tournament director, and as a poker event organizers. It E.Drache introduced to the world of poker qualifying tournaments concept that has changed poker forever. A significant investment it has made and poker promotion in the marketplace, contributing to the largest poker TV shows. As a player E.Drache is five times World Series of Poker tournament reached the final table, and all of them finished among the top three entering tournament participants.
Thor Hansen: From the start of my poker career poker pro from Norway to the various poker tournaments prize lists your name included over 175 times. The total amount of winnings exceed 2.9 million dollars. Among the achievements of Norwegian - two WSOP gold bracelets won in 1988 and 2002. And also his name, see the 2007 50,000 USD buy-HORSE tournament finalists list. Europe, known as the "Godfather" nicknamed T.Hansenas greatly contributed to what is now the European poker ring. Also, this player is repeatedly distinguished the highest limit cash struggles.
George Hardie: This candidate is not a poker player, but his contribution to the history of poker can not be evaluated. Many poker fans can not disagree with the fact that the poker explosion of popularity in 1980 was a giant step toward what kind of game it is today. Major contribution to the popularisation of poker and gaming innovations, such as the guarantee Prizepools and at that time the largest poker club "Bicycle" establishment, it depends G.Hardie.Also, his activities helped poker to move to a more professional level and has led many skeptics opinions of the game changes.
Jennifer Harman: This lady has plenty of its own dossier of merits - two WPT final tables, twelve WSOP finals and the first woman who won more than one World Series of Poker bracelet in open series tournaments, status. More than 2.6 million dollars in its earnings poker tournaments can only impress this woman's achievements in the cash games. For a long time she was the only lady involved in the highest limit cash games in Las Vegas. S 47-year old mother of two was characterized as a philanthropist. A significant part of its success it devotes to various charities.
John Juanda: Few things about this player can tell from his living at the poker table, but his poker career is really impressive. Five WSOP bracelet owner of his career, earned more than 14 million dollars. It occupies the fifth place among the most WSOP final tables in the history of players have achieved - such finals his family was even 31 times. 41 years of age J.Juanda is one of the most successful poker players today and it not going to stop. Only the WPT and the European Poker Tour (EPT), this player has won in recent years, far more than a million dollars. Another 1.2 million he won the WSOP ring. J.Juanda is the youngest contender to enter the Poker Hall of Fame this year.
Tom McEvoy: The most commonly used epithet to describe this personality is "time-proof". 67 year old poker pro his hand added to more than a dozen poker strategy books and articles dedicated to the game lovers. Moved from Michigan about 70's at the end of his career T.McEvoy started Las Vegas. Starting ambition and ignition successful performances poker battles the player is preparing for more than thirty years. Four WSOP bracelet owner of the 1983 World Series of Poker Main Event champion, certainly deserves the title of ambassador of poker.
Scotty Nguyen: "Answer my bet and you're done, baby." These words said S.Nguyenas 1998. WSOP Main Event before the end of the casting division, after which he won the World Championship title. Stylish and charismatic professional poker is one of the most recognizable and beloved poker players today. 11.6 million dollars in career winnings, eight and nineteen WPT WSOP tournament final tables - these achievements leave no doubt that professional poker skills. The five WSOP bracelets, including the already mentioned Main Event, and 50 000 dollars buy-HORSE championship won victory only strengthens S.Nguyeno positions. His life in the U.S. began as vienuolikametis war refugees from Vietnam, S.Nguyenas went really hard and impressive way to reaching your goal - a poker professional status.
Brian "Seaman" Roberts: Double world champion died in 1995.Everyone who knew this poker legend, clearly agree - he was a good guy. Impeccable reputation and innate charisma has made her and made this a professional poker legend, which will not be forgotten for a long time. Growing up in Texas, this player became interested in poker at the age of twelve. Later, by the United States Marine squad threw it in the Korean War. After this experience he returned to his native Texas B.Robertsas met Doyle Bronson and Amarillo scrag "Preston - two poker godfathers and inseparable friends. Three of them traveled to most of the western U.S. territories participating in its underground poker games. Later, the trio stands repeatedly been described in books and celebrate cinema. B.Robertsas was loved and respected by his colleagues.That he remains to this day.
J.Juanda, J, Harman, S.Nguyenas and T.McEvoy supplement claims to poker fame for the second year in a row. Is any one of them will be able to achieve the goal of clear WSOP finals in Las Vegas this coming October.2012 m. rugsėjo 12 d., trečiadienis
World Series of Poker Europe players waiting for 50 thousand.Tournament buy-euro(interview with WSOP director)
World Series of Poker (WSOP), the organizers recently announced some 50 000 buy-Super High Roller tournament, which will take place during the World Series of Poker Europe. This statement caused great interest among poker fans all over the world.
WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart was interviewed by PokerNews portal. The interviews we provide readers.- As the World Series of Poker tournament organizers decided to schedule in Europe include 50 000 buy-Super High Roller tournament?- This decision led to a number of factors, but perhaps the most important of them - the "Big One For One Drop tournament success at the WSOP in Las Vegas. Some of the players appearing in WSOP tournaments, is really interested in very high stakes tournaments and we try to meet this need and WSOP Europe at the time. Also in France, and where will be the WSOP Europe tournaments, the law is actually in favor of organizing such tournaments. Of high stakes tournaments are very popular today and usually succeed, so why not?- Why Buy-it chose 50 000 instead of say 100,000 or even more?- This amount proved optimal, including the fact that this tournament players will be able to re-įsipirkti after an early setback. Of course, there are players who are sure to contribute to greater buy-and tournament. But face it - 50 000 buy-in is already huge. We looked at high-stakes tournaments trends in Europe and came to the decision that the buy-in would be ideal.- Why did you decide to allow players to re-įsipirkti to the tournament after a failure?- Ability to re-įsipirkti the poker tournament - this is a fast-growing worldwide trend. Each year the World Series of Poker tournament schedule add to that option and they really gets popularity and works.However, this decision for two reasons. In particular, we believe that the WSOP Europe, players prefer to choose to return to the tournament, falling to spend time at the beach. Many players will tour side of the world to enter here, but some carry out the following work - hope to play poker, rather than a break from it. World Series of Poker Europe, we can offer both tournaments as the WSOP in Las Vegas at the time, where every few hours, getting a new start in the tournament. The second reason is that we believe that this tournament participants as possible will want to inflate the prize fund. Will undoubtedly be players who will benefit from a second chance and the opportunity to raise the value of the tournament.- Have a second chance tournaments with more frequent opportunity to pray you of your events? It is particularly interesting, or more of them will see the 2013 World Series of Poker?- It is currently planning next year's schedule, but the talk about it is still far too early. We want more action WSOP, and players desire more value. So, it seems logical to raise the number of those tournaments. But, believe me, really nekvailiosime and will not do all WSOP tournament with a double chance opportunity.- Why are 50,000 "Super High Roller tournament winner will be awarded a gold bracelet?- We try to be careful with the World Series of Poker bracelets division and want to preserve their value and prestige. World Series of Poker Europe in Cannes to be held during this year we've added an extra tournament, the winner of the prestigious trophy adorned.We also added a WSOP bracelet in the Asia-Pacific stage. We have to be careful not to overdo dividing bracelets. In addition, there is no shortage of action, and no trophy tournament. This year, the Las Vegas of the 230,000 poker players registered with our tournaments - only 75,000 of them fought for the bracelets. The same ratio seek and Europe. The last time when I was interested in - the players without a trophy, is still very popular with cash prizes.- What do you expect the number of poker enthusiasts wait for the Super High Roller tournament?- Holding World Series of Poker learned to be careful with assumptions. Furthermore, we like to surprise the poker fans. Of high stakes poker is indeed on the wave, so that all players can really surprise you. However, if you honestly do not think the prize, which will fight in the tournament participants to exceed the main tournament prize. While there can never know.- Is poker enthusiasts will receive some special offers svečiavimuisi Cannes?- It is now combining the amazing deals with several hotels, book four nights and fifth share free "Gray d'Albion Hotel. Six and seven nights free at the Majestic Barrière Hotel. And anyway hotels in Cannes offers really good deals for visitors. Thus, our players will have a choice.World Series of Poker Europe in Cannes come on September 21.In this series we hope to see at least a few Lithuania poker masters.Of course, the most important events in the series will inform our visitors of the column.2012 m. rugsėjo 11 d., antradienis
World poker championship - Lithuanian final and other results

2012 m. rugpjūčio 31 d., penktadienis
Poker star Viktor Blom resigned from Team PokerStars Pro
poker genius Swede Viktor "Isildur1" Blom and the largestcorporation in the world of poker, PokerStars has decided not to renew the just ended by mutual agreement. "Isildur1" since 2011, had a contract with PokerStars and represented Team PokerStars Proteam.
2011 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure held during Viktor Blomwas presented as a Team PokerStars Pro member and a manhiding behind "Isildur1" moniker. Secret Until then, on their own behalf V.Blomas instant poker ended up in the public spotlight., However, after a little more than a year V.Blomas and PokerStarshas announced that the contract between the unaccustomed and "Isildur1" will move from team PokerStars Pro members."I was honored to carry the PokerStars flag. Really enjoyed the game as Team PokerStars Pro representative. I am together with this company and all the time spent on PokerStars members of the community wish you all the best, but the only thing that I want now isto concentrate on the game of poker "- so his decision himselfcommented poker pro.
Good words V.Blomui spared PokerStars communicationsmanager Eric Hollreiseris: "In a relatively short period of his career-long V.Blomas managed to reach the highest level of poker. Heplayed for the highest stakes and the highest-stakes poker againstthe best players in the world. It is hard to remember another player who can boast the same rapid career progression. BothPokerStars and I think the entire poker community, monitorV.Blomui as successful in the future, and now we can only wish him every success and all the best. "
Pranešimai (Atom)